Ammonium chloride ——Available nitrogen chemical fertilizer

Ammonium chloride, abbreviated as ammonium chloride, is an inorganic substance and belongs to physiological acid fertilizer. It is not suitable to be applied on acid soil and saline alkali soil, seed fertilizer, seedling fertilizer or leaf fertilizer, or chlorine sensitive crops (such as tobacco, potato, citrus, tea, etc.) because it contains more chlorine. Ammonium chloride has high and stable fertilizer effect in paddy field, because chlorine can not only inhibit the nitrification of paddy field, but also conducive to the formation of rice stem fiber, increase toughness and reduce rice lodging and pest invasion. Ammonium chloride is suitable for corn, wheat, rice, sorghum, vegetables, hemp and other crops. The effect of applying ammonium chloride  to fiber crops such as flax and hemp is better, because chlorine can enhance fiber toughness and tensile force. Chlorine can inhibit nitrifying bacteria, so the effect of ammonium chloride  in paddy field is also good. However, ammonium chloride should not be applied to tobacco, potato, sweet potato, grape and other chlorine resistant crops to prevent quality degradation. After the ammonium ion in ammonium chloride  is absorbed by crops, the chloride ion remains in the soil. In acidic soil, chlorine and hydrogen combine to form hydrochloric acid, which will increase the acidity of the soil; In calcareous soil, chlorine and calcium combine to form calcium chloride ; In well drained soil, calcium chloride is easy to be washed off by rainwater or irrigation water; In the soil with poor drainage or in the soil of arid areas, due to calcium chloride, the current agricultural planting has long got rid of the mode of relying on nature. Revitalizing agriculture through science and technology is an inevitable mode of modern agricultural development. According to the plant growth, soil conditions, geographical conditions, climatic conditions and other conditions, properly giving chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer can significantly increase production. Ammonium chloride is not easy to agglomerate, but is easily soluble in water. It is a physiological acid quick acting nitrogen fertilizer. It is mainly suitable for grain crops, rape, etc. in addition, it is also suitable for acid soil and calcareous soil.

The application methods of  ammonium chloride mainly include the following:

Used as base fertilizer. After the application of ammonium chloride as base fertilizer, it is best to water in time, so as to leaching the chloride ion in the fertilizer to the lower layer of the soil and reduce the adverse impact on crops. In subtropical rainy areas, a small amount can be used as base fertilizer without watering.

Used as topdressing. Ammonium chloride  is the most suitable topdressing for rice. It is better than ammonium sulfate with the same amount of nitrogen. However, when ammonium chloride is used as topdressing, the principle of small amount and multiple times should be mastered.

It should not be used as seed fertilizer and seedling fertilizer. Because ammonium chloride will produce water-soluble chloride in soil, which will affect seed germination and seedling growth. It is not suitable for chlorine sensitive crops such as tobacco, sugarcane, sugar beet, tea tree and potato. Watermelon, grapes and other crops should not be used for a long time.



Post time: Dec-02-2021