Ammonium sulfate ——Excellent nitrogen fertilizer, which can be used as base fertilizer, topdressing and seed fertilizer

Ammonium sulfate  is mainly used as fertilizer and is suitable for all kinds of soil and crops. Ammonium sulfate is an excellent nitrogen fertilizer (commonly known as Feitian powder), which is suitable for general soil and crops. It can make branches and leaves grow vigorously, improve fruit quality and yield, enhance crop resistance to disasters, and can be used as base fertilizer, topdressing and seed fertilizer. Ammonium sulfate  fertilizer is a widely used inorganic soil supplement, especially suitable for alkaline soil. Its active ingredients are nitrogen and sulfur. The correct use of this fertilizer can maintain the healthy level of nitrogen in the soil and help improve the pH balance of alkaline soil. In agriculture and horticulture, inorganic fertilizers are the most commonly used soil supplements and are important for maintaining healthy soil and plant growth. Ammonium sulfate  fertilizer can not only increase general nutrition through nitrogen composition, but also correct the pH pH pH balance of alkaline soil. As an inorganic salt, ammonium sulfate is produced by mixing ammonia and sulfur, or gypsum and calcium carbonate. The proportions of nitrogen and sulfur are 21% and 24% respectively. When exposed to water in the soil, this fertilizer releases nitrogen that promotes plant growth and acids that form ammonium ions (to correct partial alkalinity). The main function of ammonium sulfate is to promote the vegetative growth of trees, improve photosynthetic efficiency, increase fruit yield and delay the senescence of fruit trees. After absorption, fruit trees combine with carbohydrates in the root system to form amino acids, which are transported to the leaves to synthesize high molecular compounds such as chlorophyll, protein and nucleic acid in the leaves. When the tree has sufficient nutrition, it has large leaf area, more chlorophyll and more photosynthetic products, which is conducive to promoting the growth of roots and the absorption of nutrients and water. At the same time, more photosynthetic products entering the root will accelerate the formation and upward transportation of elements, and then promote the growth and fruit of the tree. It can be reused in the tree. The elements required for germination and leaf expansion in spring mainly depend on the hydrolysis of organic nitrogen in roots and bark. Ammonium  sulfate is an excellent nitrogen fertilizer, which is easy to dissolve in water and acidic. It can be used as base fertilizer, topdressing and seed fertilizer; After the application of ammonium sulfate, it takes about 3-7 days to take effect, and the duration of fertilizer effect is maintained at about 50-60 days; After application, it can promote the growth of branches and leaves of crops, improve the yield and quality of fruits, and enhance the stress resistance of crops.

When ammonium sulfate is used as base fertilizer, it needs to be deeply buried and then covered with soil, which is conducive to crop absorption.

When ammonium  sulfate is used as seed fertilizer, the amount should be controlled well and should not be used too much. Generally, 5 kg ammonium sulfate fertilizer is used per mu to mix 25-50 kg organic fertilizer or fertile soil; When transplanting rice seedlings, 2.5-5 kg ammonium sulfate chemical fertilizer can be used per mu to mix organic fertilizer and calcium superphosphate into thin mud, which can be used to wet the roots of rice seedlings.

Ammonium sulfate  is suitable as topdressing. Generally, 15-20 kg ammonium sulfate fertilizer is applied per mu; If it is used in dry land, pay attention to watering when applying fertilizer. If it is used in paddy field, it is necessary to drain the water in the field and combine with tillage rake; For crop fields with poor ability of water and fertilizer conservation, fertilization should be carried out several times, and the amount of fertilizer should not be too large each time.



Post time: Dec-02-2021