Arbidol hydrochloride effectively inhibits influenza A and B viruses

Arbidol hydrochloride (A H) has an inhibitory effect on influenza A and B viruses. When the virus replicates, 2,5-oligoadenylic acid synthase is blocked, AH enters the nucleus in its original form, and changes the permeability of the cell membrane when it penetrates into the nucleus. Enzymes increase the synthesis of 2,5-oligoadenylic acid, which interferes with cell metabolism and inhibits viral replication. Under intracellular physiological conditions, AH can hinder the fusion of viral lipid cytoplasmic sheaths with cell membranes and inhibit the release of viral genetic material. At the same time, AH has a significant activation effect on the phagocytosis of macrophages, which can increase the body’s resistance to viruses. A series of studies, such as passaging experiments of natural strains and mutant strains of MDCK cells of influenza virus, virus spot measurement, pH-induced fusion, hemolysis test, and nucleotide sequence determination, show that Arbidol belongs to HA inhibitors. During virus replication, Arbidor can increase the pH of 0.2 units to stabilize hemagglutinin (AH), thereby inhibiting fusion with host cells. The therapeutic effect of Arbidol Hydrochloride on influenza virus-infected cells may also be achieved through immunomodulatory effects. The study found that in the absence of positive expression of HLA-DR and the absence of major immunoglobulins, it can normalize various immunoregulatory indicators of cells and phagocytic cell function, which resulted in positive expression of CD3, CD4 and CD 16 This immune vitality. Arbidor has obvious in vivo interferon-inducing effect on mice, and it can enhance the non-specific immune function, humoral and cellular immune function of normal and immunocompromised mice.

Post time: Apr-29-2020