Fig leaves are known to inhibit the growth of cancer cells

Figs are seasonal fruits native to Greece and Afghanistan. They belong to the mulberry family. The fruit has an opening called “ostiole” or the eye, which aids in its development by increasing communication with the environment. Figs are available in various colors–yellow, purple, red, black, and green. The fruit has a smooth skin and succulent flesh with small crunchy seeds. Read on further to know the health, hair and skin benefits of this tasty and succulent fruit.

Figs are excellent sources of potassium, a mineral that helps to control blood pressure levels. The soluble fiber, pectin, present in these fruits moves freely through the body, preventing cholesterol. Fig leaves have been shown to lower triglyceride levels in the body, preventing heart attack and stroke. Dried figs contain phenol, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids that help in lowering the risk of coronary diseases.

Figs are a good source of dietary fiber, but low in calories. High fiber foods keep you full, reducing hunger pangs. It acts as a natural laxative, thereby helping in eliminating the waste form the bowels. The lower the toxin levels, the easier your weight loss will be.

As mentioned, the presence of fiber in figs enables it to act as a natural laxative. Thus, it is beneficial for those who are suffering from constipation. It is also known to cure irritable bowel movement. It also contains prebiotics that support the good bacteria in the gut, improving digestion.

Fig leaves are known to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. The antioxidants in fig eliminate the free radicals and other cancer causing substance in the body, preventing cancer. It is also known to protect from breast cancer after menopause.

Eating three or more serving of figs daily is known to lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration. It contains high amounts of antioxidants, carotenoids, and Vitamin A, C, and E, that renders better vision.

The leaves of figs possess the ability to lower the amounts of insulin needed by the diabetics. Potassium in figs helps to regulate the amount of sugar absorbed after the meals.

Figs are a good source of calcium that is essential for bone density. Additionally, potassium in figs counteracts the calcium loss caused by high salt diet, preventing the bones from thinning out at a faster rate.

The high levels of omega 3 fatty acids in figs helps to keep the skin moisturized and well- conditioned. Apply fig paste on the lips to treat cracked and dry lips.

Applying baked fig on the skin helps to treat skin conditions like inflammations, boils, and abscess. It is also beneficial for curing zits and pimples. Apply fig paste on the skin to tighten the pores and control excess sebum secretion.

Figs are one of the most popular natural ingredients used in the hair care industry. Its extracts are used to create hair conditioners and masks. The extracts condition the hair, preventing breakage. It moisturizes and conditions the hair without weighing it down.

Fig oil is ideal to soothe out dry, damaged, rough hair. It hydrates the scalp, making it lustrous and voluminous. Add a few drops of fig oil to your hair mask and apply it on the hair and scalp. Wash it off after one hour to get silky and smooth hair.

Figs contain nutrients like magnesium, Vitamin A, C and E, which are required for maintaining the health of the hair. These nutrients stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, accelerating hair growth.

Post time: Jul-17-2020