Metalaxyl is a systemic fungicide, used as a fungicide for tobacco, rubber trees, grapes, hops, fruits, vegetables, etc

Metalaxyl is a new high-efficiency systemic fungicide. It can be absorbed systemically into plants, and its water solubility is much higher than that of general fungicides. It can penetrate into the cell membrane of oomycetes with small new lipids to play a sterilization effect. Therefore, Metalaxyl has selective effects on downy mildew and phytophthora in the Oomycetes, such as potato late blight, grape downy mildew, hop downy mildew, beet blight, rape white rust, tobacco black shank, etc. The control effect.

What are the characteristics of Metalaxyl:

1. After applying Metalaxyl to crops, Metalaxyl can quickly enter the crop body through systemic action, and it can be conducted up and down to the roots, stems, leaves, and can also be conducted to new growth points, forming a natural disease prevention barrier for the whole plant; This is not available in many fungicides today. Nowadays, some fungicides can only protect the surface of crops, and some have effects on the disease itself such as spore growth or germination after the disease has been infected. Therefore, it is often lagging, and crop damage is inevitable. From this point of view, Metalaxyl has an advantage.

2. Metalaxyl contains -NH structure, which can play a role in supplementing N elements during the growth of crops. Nitrogen is necessary for crop growth, so Metalaxyl can promote crop growth to a certain extent, improve crop resistance, improve disease resistance, and fundamentally solve the problem of crop disease resistance.

3. The superior characteristics of Metalaxyl determine its diversified action methods. According to many years of practice, Metalaxyl products can be used for seed treatment, solve soil-borne diseases, and solve seedling diseases; it can be sprayed on the leaves and irrigated with flooding; it can be sprayed; it has various methods and flexible application methods.

Comprehensive application:

1. Seedbed treatment

Nowadays, there are more and more planted vegetables in addition to field planting. Years of planting, repeated planting, and repeated cropping are serious. Repeated cropping will mostly cause slower crop growth and aggravation of soil-borne diseases, which is the most troublesome problem of facility agriculture at the moment. Metalaxyl preparations are used alone, and treated with potting soil before planting vegetables. Before sowing seeds, spray the medicament directly on the soil surface, and then turn the soil, which can kill the parasitic bacteria in the soil and effectively block the disease from affecting the crop The harmful infection.

2. Seed treatment

Seedbed treatment is sometimes costly and time-consuming, and the most trouble-free method is to treat the seeds. Metalaxyl has two seed treatment methods, one is dry mixing treatment; the other is wet mixing treatment. Can use general wettable powder or registered seed treatment agent for seed treatment. The seeds treated in this way can also solve the problem of soil-borne diseases.

3. Foliar spray

Once vegetable diseases occur, such as downy mildew, blight, etc., Metalaxyl series products can be directly used to spray water on vegetables.

Post time: Aug-06-2020