Rumen protected lysine – for maximum absorption

Rumen protected lysine is more effective than a byproduct or commodity such as blood meal. Variations in the quality of commodity protein sources impact the amount of metabolizable protein lysine (MP Lysine) available to the animal, which can result in requirements not being met, negatively impacting performance. Puyer Lysine provides higher, more consistent levels of MP Lysine than other protein sources. Simply stated, with other options you don’t get what you paid for. Unless it’s rumen protected lysine, you’re likely not meeting the cow’s lysine requirements. 

Meeting lysine requirements is critical to maximize production, efficiency and overall health in dairy cows, but this essential amino acid must be supplemented into the diet as it cannot be produced naturally in the body. 

Even though blood meal may be inexpensive, customers are often not getting what they paid for. Here are three things to remember about using blood meal as your lysine source based on IVNIDA research:

MP Lysine values differ between blood meal sources
Color and particle size is not an indication of quality
It is impossible to accurately forecast the amount of metabolizable protein fed


Reducing reliance on blood meal not only helps minimize variability but it can open up space in your dairy cow’s diet. This means your cows have a consistent supply of MP Lysine and you can save money, improve your ration, or both.

In short, Rumen protected lysine-

Reduces your reliance on a highly variable ingredient
Provides a consistent, cost-effective source of metabolizable protein
Creates space and opportunity to improve your dairy cow’s diet (more energy, fiber, etc.)


Post time: Sep-27-2021